It is real, and it’s here. The BeagleBone Green has arrived, and it looks great! Thanks to the people at SeeedStudio I already got a preview.

Today I got a box in the mail, and inside was the BBG:
The box contains a clear manual, a short USB cable, and the BBGreen board itself. It looks very clean and just as well made as the BBBlack.
They also sent me some Grove modules to start experimenting with:

Here are some more pics of the unboxing, more will follow once I got more time to experiment, but first there is my B-day to take care of. 🙂 Thanks for the presents!
Also I would like to congratulate the team with the new “BeagleBone Compatible” part of the family, I hope it will grow to be used by a lot of other boards.
Go and get one for yourself here! For more info read the Wiki page, and of course all the previous posts about it on this site. Please tell me what you made with it, and be sure to post your recipe.