Today, on the SeeedStudio blog it shows the first picture I know of of the new BeagleBone Green they announced in a previous post, I also wrote about that discovery in my last post. After four months of suspense, the rumors come true 😛

The changes are (among others?) the two Grove ports. There are a UART and a I2C port, the USB-port has moved to the place of the power jack and move/removal of the HDMI chip.

The Ethernet still is 10/100 and the SD card markings on the top-right are gone. Maybe all the BB parts are concentrated on the left, and grove on the right. Chip numbers are not visible at this images resolution, but they seem the same (probably the same chip, the TI logo can be recognised). As soon as we have a picture of the back side (or in higher resolution) we will know more 🙂 Perspective seems to show it is almost flat at the back, so I don’t expect more Grove ports there.

There will be a public presentation of it soon as it is planned for a May release, but the people at SeeedStudio asked me to wait for a few days to tell you about when and where, while they gather more info. I will keep you updated, as this could be a very exiting board, dependent on the price of course. I cannot wait to see what I will able to do with it.
Probable specs:
(Mostly the same as the BeagleBone Black)
1GHz AM335* Processor
4GB eMMC storage
RTC chip and Battery (Updated info)
1x MicroSD card slot
1x 10/100 Ethernet port
1x USB Host (combined with power?)
1x Grove I2C
1x Grove UART
Likely no HDMI (which i never use anyway, so that is a plus)
I hope I win the contest! I sent a comment as soon as the post came up, but I’m not approved yet. 🙂 Who knows. The message was sparse, others made much better observations in their comments.
Update: The presentation of the BeagleBone Green will be at the Maker Faire Bay Area 2015 on 16-17 May, so if anybody is there, I would like to hear what you have seen! This will just be a demo, the BBG will be on sale on a (to be confirmed) later date. Cannot wait 🙂
Update2: There is another blog that picked up on the BBG today, and even has some extra info: “May 15th, 2015, 9:10AM now has a separate page for the BeagleBone Green: It points to Seeed Studio. No content uploaded yet.”
Update3: More info emerged during the Maker Faire the 16th, see the BBG blogpost part 3 🙂
And even more info in part 4.
Exiting days ahead! For those going to the Maker Faire, please keep me posted at info at with all info you have!