BeagleBone Green Part 6: Orderable Now

It finally arrived! the orderpage has more info and lists the differences between the BeagleBone Black and BeagleBone Green. It will be sold with an USB cable and a user guide. The price is indeed $39, as announced in previous posts. It’s a preorder for now, the site says: “Planned Shipment Date: Aug 20, 2015”.

They also prominently show the BeagleBone Compatible logo. I hope that program will be used by a lot of other boards. That means the official BBB images work for it, but on the wikipage there is a specialized version of the image.

BBG Overview

It was a lot of fun following the development of the device throughout this year, and I cannot wait till it arrives. Good luck and thanks to BBG and SeeedStudio! (I’m not one of the mentioned Media Highlights, but this blog is too small 🙂 ) Don’t forget to order the I2C Hub as well, likely you are going to need it.

Update: Yay, I’m included in the Highlights 🙂 Thanks!

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Ruben is a tinkerer who since october 2009 helped on the RepRap project. He houses the first RepRap Museum, and with IkMaak he organised the first worldwide RepRap buildcourses. Over the years he has worked on many FOSS and OSHW projects.

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